*Aachen, Germany
lives and works in Germany

2011 - 2012 Masterclass Prof. Meuser, State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe
2006 – 2011 Visual Arts, State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe
1995 - 2001 Landscape Architecture, FH Weihenstephan Freising
grants and awards
2025        artist residency, NES Skagaströnd, Iceland (Künstlerhaus Lukas)
2023        artist residency, Matsushima Bunko Museum, Matsushima Island, Japan
2023        working grant NEUSTART plus, Stiftung Kunstfonds
2022        working grant NEUSTART KULTUR, Stiftung Kunstfonds
2021        KHE Residency, Kunsthaus Essen, Germany (Stiftung Kunstfonds)
2020/21     studio residency, Not Another White Cube, Munich, Germany
2019        Van Look Award, Freiburg (van Look Foundation) 
2017        artist residency, Seyðisfjörður, Iceland,
            Skaftfell Center for Visual Art (Goethe Institut Denmark)
2015/16     artist residency New Delhi, IndiaAtelier Mondial 
            (Pro Helvetia, Christoph Merian Foundation)
2013        Rhône Alpes-scholarship and catalogue-grant, art3 Valence, France
            (Ministry for Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg)
2013        artist residency Helsinki, Finland
            IAAB (Christoph Merian Foundation Basel)
2009        artist residency, City of Chemnitz, Germany
2008        Academy Award, City of Freiburg, Germany
2005        summer academy Salzburg-scholarship, Austria

solo and double shows / selection

2025        Bella Martha, Grafrath/ Munich (with Aleschija Seibt) - Simple Minds
2021        Kunsthaus Essen, Kabinett - Fine
2019        E-Werk, Freiburg - Van Look Award exhibition
2018        Pförtnerhaus, Freiburg - Up To You
2018        Strizzi Space, Cologne (with Lisa Busche) 
            - 2 beds put together in an L shape
2017        Skaftfell Center for Visual Art (with Mary Hurrell),  
            Seyðisfjörður (IS) - When I Visit Homes
2016        FAQ Galerie, Basel (CH) - Koda
2015        Stellwerk, Kassel (with Oliver Schuß) - Lasst uns hier zurück,
            wir bleiben bei den Pferden 
2015        KFAK,K, Kassel (with Kriz Olbricht) - KFAK,K:KO-UP
2014        art3, Valence (FR) - Permanent Vacation 
2014        Galerie 3000 - PROGR, Bern (CH) - Knarzen 
2014        Kunsthaus L6, Freiburg (with Kriz Olbricht) - FULL HOUSE 
2014        Badischer Kunstverein (Lichthof), Karlsruhe - SHIFTED
2012        Poly Produzentengalerie, Karlsruhe -
            Manchmal ist die Liebe größer, wenn man einander nicht kennt

group shows / selection

2024        Grand Palais, Bern (with Lisa Busche and Rahel Bruns)
            - Give Me The Context, Baby Cakes (upcoming)
2024        Museumsgalerie Rosshaupten - Sein Name ist Pferd
2024        Kunstverein Worms (with Tim Bohlender and Aleschija Seibt) - Pool
2023        Galerie 3000 - PROGR, Bern (CH) - Adieu
2022/23     Kunst Raum Riehen, Basel (CH) - Deep Moments
2021        Kunsthaus Essen, Stipendiaten
2021        Photoszene Köln (KunstWerk), Cologne - Storage
2019        The White, Tokyo (JP)- ALL IN
2019        Orgelfabrik, Karlsruhe - Fun with Flowers 
2019        La Filature, Mulhouse (FR) (as artist collective I II III)
            - Glissements progressifs du récit
2019        Kunsthaus L6, Freiburg (with Claudia de la Torre 
            and Tim Bohlender) - AKABENI 
2019        Temporary Gallery, Cologne - KÖLN UM HALB ACHT 
2018/19     Kunst Raum Riehen, Basel (CH) (as artist collective I II III) 
            - New Deals
2018        BIA (Black Forest Institute of Art), Lenzkirch 
            - Toiletpaper, Honey, Cucumbers and Wine
2018        Strizzi Space, Cologne - Ciao!
2017        Raum500, KunstWerk, Cologne - ONO        
2017        Kunstverein Lüneburg - TRUNK
2016/17     La Kunsthalle Mulhouse (FR) - Encoding the Urban
2016        Salon Mondial, Basel (CH) - Where's the Beef?
2015        Mischpoke, Mönchengladbach - glasgrün
2015        Kunstverein Wilhelmshöhe, Ettlingen - Höhenluft #10
2014/15     Kunst Raum Riehen, Basel (CH)- 7 Rooms 
2014        Kunsthaus L6, Freiburg - Void.Retreat.Here
2014        Basement, Basel (CH) - going places
2014        Accélérateur de particules, Strasbourg (FR) - Grenzgänger #3
2014        Kreuzberg Pavillon - GaDeWe, Bremen - Wearable Art Show
2014        Kasko, Basel (CH) - Grenzgänger #2
2013/14     Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel (CH) - Being Specific!
2013        Kunstverein Freiburg - Grenzgänger #1
2013        IQ13 Contemporary, Berlin - status quo including
2013        Kunstverein Wilhelmshöhe, Ettlingen (with DOMINIK and Benno Blome)
            - Höhenluft #5
2013        Ausstellungsraum ZIP, Basel (CH) - Sol LeWitt Loves Pancakes 
2012        Kunstverein Freiburg - Warum nicht sagen was passiert ist?
2012        Kunst Raum Riehen (CH) - Under Construction
2012        Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe - Top 12 Meisterschüler

2021        KONTAKT, a free editorial project by Alex Chevalier
2019        AKABENI, backbonebooks, Berlin 
2017        Heaven, backbonebooks, Berlin
2016        GOING PLACES - Where's the Beef?, Atelier Mondial, Basel 
2015        Moff-Magazin, issue 12, 2/2015
2015        45 Last Words/ Ikebana I-II, Close-Up Magic I-II, 
            Weltraumfahrt I-IV, Arrangiert in schönen Gefäßen I
            art3, Valence
2012        TOP 12, Wunderhorn-Verlag, Heidelberg